Thursday, December 18, 2014

Buy from rediff and prepare to weep! used to be famous for its online deals along with other online e-commerce websites but it has become synonymous with get rich quick schemes by scamsters.

  • The products sold are of questionable origin and quality. And sometimes though the package is "sealed" outside, some of the components inside are missing.
  • Will not advise to use Rediff for online purchase for any product. Either ways it appears to be failing and making no effort to win back lost ground.
  • The best thing would be to make the effort of searching for the product in a physical location in your town, going there and buying it across the counter with the guarantees, warranties, and other paper work. You are then sure that you know where to go if something goes wrong.
  • If the product is not available then look for the best seller and buy. This again is not without risks. But then buy something only if you really need it. If it is just a whim, then let it fade away. No point wasting money on fads.
  • To sum up, do not buy from rediff unless you are willing to lose money.

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